We Know Your Business

Real estate & Hospitality

Banking, Finance & Alternative Financial Services

Renewable Energy and Power

Technology and Digital
We help you build a better tomorrow
We analyze your needs carefully
We know that no two businesses as well as no two investments are alike, and each faces its own set of challenges. That is why we work with each co-investor/partner to develop an optimum management and investment solutions based on their broader business objectives. To strengthen that effort, we have dedicated teams of professionals who specialize in specific industries. Our experts collaborate with organizations and businesses to identify and understand emerging trends. At the same time, much of our research focuses on understanding the challenges and potential prospects ahead, thus providing the means to capitalize on them and develop a custom sustainable strategy.
At DPRG, we stress specific emphasis working with business and project owners, offering tailored financing packages aligned with the strategic goals. We advise on the best market instruments available, taking a seeding role in launching them to the open float, collaborating hand to hand with the global investment banks. We know how to help to operate in the environment of financial distress and ready to deal with difficult business surviving issues, as well as taking considerations for an aggressive market positioning to tackle fast product expansion.

The Real Estate & Hospitality Industry represents the most traditional business focus today where DPRG employs its management skill and knowledge to achieve outstanding results. We deal with all asset classes of Real Estate including Commercial, Residential, Retail, Entertainment & Leisure, as well as Large Mixed Use Lifestyle Schemes.
Further, we deal across all developmental stages for Real Estate including Green field developments where we provide the full range of development services; mature yield bearing property assets, shopping malls, offices etc. We put a specific focus on finding distressed opportunities in either bare land acquisition or picking up projects lacking equity or in a need to be repackaged with the alternative best use concept. We co-invest and partner with a number of high class developers in Europe and in US to bring new projects to the market as well as redevelop obsolete industrial zones in fast growing urbanistic centers. When it goes to investments in real estate, we look for the projects where we may add value from either concept point of view or streamlining operations to optimize cash flow. We also see if we may bring financial synergies, providing bridge equity injections to resume construction/operations. For example, with our extensive past experience in Hospitality we offer full swing operations audit to bring up options for free cash flow upgrades should we encounter any underperformance. A key part of our Real Estate Business is Real Estate Finance & Capital Markets where we represent clients on Acquisitions/Divestitures, Financial Reengineering and Sourcing of Equity and Debt.
The traditional Real Estate Industry is now moving towards the development of connected lifestyle communities where green quality development coupled with state of the art smart services and infrastructure aim to develop new living and learning environments. On Hospitality, we bring hands on long experience again and cover hotel development, operations and financial reengineering. Experience with all types of tourism including tour operating, direct and online business. Hospitality encompasses city hotels, resort lifestyle hotels, condo hotels, boutique hotels, themed hotels and mixed use hotel venues. Increasingly Hospitality becomes an integral part of the integrated lifestyle developments with a diverse service offering.
Our main interest lies in assuming the role of Development Managers for large integrated mixed-use lifestyle schemes worldwide that incorporate the principles of sustainable green development and combine a plethora of Uses including Residential, Commercial, Healthcare, Academia, Wellness & Wellbeing, Marinas and Sports & Fitness. We are currently active in the markets of Russia, Ukraine, Romania, Greece, Cyprus, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Africa.